How do you make your art?

  • To streamline the creative process on collaborations, I start with thumbnail sketches based off all of the ideas shared with me in a meeting with everyone involved on the project.

  • From the thumbnail sketches, ideas are worked out and developed into a solid concept to work off of.

  • Based off the concept, I sketch with an HB lead pencil on Bristol Smooth paper.

  • For inks, I used a .5 Sakura Micron pen.

  • To edit and color, Photoshop is my preferred program.

How long have you been doing art?

  • I’ve been farting around with art since I was a kid. But professionally, I’d say around 2016 is when I got my first commission gig. It was small, but it was enough to get me juiced to pursue art.

What is your inspiration?

  • It’s the people that has been my biggest inspiration. The people carry stories that just echo generations of strength and some stories are so wild that it can’t be helped but to be drawn. Indigenous resistance will always be the core of my work.

  • As a kid, anime and video games really pushed me to picking up a pencil and designing my own characters. Sailor Moon and FLCL were a top dog animes for me and the art of the Castlevania games. Oh, and of course the man himself, Hayao Miyazaki.

  • I didn’t really break away from games and anime art until I was in my early 20s where I started exploring great artists such as Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt, Roy Lichtenstein, Alex Ross, and Moebius. Elaine Duillo’s work was always a great mark on my influences as well.

  • My mid 20s became more captivated with exploring past indigenous artists as well as those today.

Can you draw me/something?

  • Currently not taking private commission work.

  • I would love to draw everyone and everything but I got a baby now so I’m mostly spending my time with my baby and have limited hours which means I have to choose my work carefully until I can find balance and more time in my schedule.

How can I buy your art?